Saturday 3 November 2007

Nasca - 14 October

Well arrived tired and with a full bladder in Nasca, after a 13 hour bus ride. The tiredness was on account of a full bladder and the full bladder was on account of not wishing to use the toilets on the bus. I had visions of a tidal wave of human waste engulfing me as the bus went round a hairpin bend... anyway, I was met ( for met read accosted) at the bus terminal by a tour guide who took me direct to the hostal I wanted to go to, stroke of luck me thinks.

And he ran tours of the Nasca Lines...not sure if you have heard of them, but basically they are giant creatures carved into the surface of the desert. I wont bore you with the detail here....But suffice to say we went up in a Cesna...which was really awesome, haven´t been in one since I did the sky dive thingy about 10 years ago! And I got to sit in the co-pilots seat! which was good also on account of the fact that my tour buddies in the back began spewing into their puke packets about 20 mins into the flight. Nice.

Anyway they had men doing things to the overhead lines , so there was no elecrticity in the whole town until 7pm. Trust me to land in a town with no leccy on the day that SA play a semi final world cup game! So basically I spent the afternoon comatose in my hostal on and off and listening to the planes go up taking other people to see the Lines... yeah I know what you are thinking, and yes it was dead boring.

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